Japanese Manners Poster -- Please do it in America
2011-10-30 10:50:57
My niece, Kyra, or Little Gaijin, lives in Tokyo. She pointed out this brand parody of the “Manners Signs' they have for the Japanese trains that tell you you shouldn't pass out drunk on the subway, or treat the subway like your living room.

They have little phrases in English like “Please do it outside' with a picture of someone shaking off their umbrella, or “Please do it at home' for the couple lounging on the subway seats while poor Mr. Manners is stuck standing on his broken leg. Mr. and Mrs. Manners are obviously made very uncomfortable by the rude
Which might explain why Kyra’s not really sure if this one is a parody…

Mr. and Mrs. Manners are definitely distressed by these weird Americans dressed oddly and taking pictures of themselves on the subway. “Please do it in America' pretty much sums it up. Crazy Americans coming over to Tokyo and acting like crazy people…
I’m not entirely sure what the complaint is, other than it’s just weird seeing full grown people acting so strange, but I’m sure no native Japanese would be caught dead dressed in a funny costume… except for all that Jpop, anime, cos-play stuff that they pretty much invented…