The Case of the Identical Tablet: Apple vs. Samsung
2011-09-13 01:33:49
I find this one particularly amusing because Apple is all about protecting their brand and they want the Samsung Galaxy Tab shut down. Now. Before the Galaxy Tab does the iPad what all the Android phones are doing to the iPhone -- take a bite out of sales like the bite in the Apple logo.
Apple's main complaint is that the Samsung Galaxy tab is too much like the iPad and, therefore, not only violates tons and tons of patents but will confuse people in the marketplace. To prove their point they introduced side by side images of the iPad that the Galaxy Tab, and, boy if they don't look the same…

And seeing is believing. Apple's team submitted the photo and some damning numbers -- the Galaxy Tab was shown to have a 1.36 aspect ratio, ever so close to the 1.30 ratio of the iPad.
Only, it turns out the Samsung product isn't really that close after all… An article on Dutch website showed the actual aspect ratios are really quite different. The official Galaxy Tab has an aspect ratio of 1.46, much skinnier than the iPad.

So, in the Brand Identity Theft files… it's not 'theft' in the classic case, more like a long con. Something worthy of Paul Newman's Henry Gondorff or George Clooney's Danny Ocean. A double play reversal brand identity theft. Great in the movies, but not something I would expect to see in a German court between two huge electronics manufacturers…