Bad Restroom Health Sign
2010-03-31 18:23:40
We have the complicated job of taking business process and turning it into pretty pictures that people can follow. We call it the web, but we have close cousins in the world of instructional signs.
Unfortunately, a lot of people just don't think about how the human mind works. Take this for example:

I know they're saying wash your hands after using the restroom and before serving food, but, to me, it looks more like this process:
- Enter the Restroom
- Scoop some crap out of the toilet and warm it under hot water
- Be sure to get it really warm
- Serve the hot, wet crap on noodles
You'd think people who make restroom health signs would have a little process review. And maybe enough of a sense of humor to see this kind of thing. And, apparently, you'd be wrong.